
but you brought the stars and the moon Make a pact._知乎

Make a pact, this year you have me, next year I have you.The world was dark, but you brought the stars and the moonHow I wish life was a dream, a dream of ...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2021-9-30

学习笔记:高级信息网络Ch5.Communication Media_知乎

(来源:notes of course Advanced IT Network.Ch5.Communication Media )... -graded index fiber suffer less , but nevertheless, multimode fiber are restricted to ...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2020-12-28

I carefully holding the frequency of contact._知乎

I often wonder if I already have the initiative, why don't you know how much I ... I am full of expectation to you, but always warning myself, prepare for the worst. But ...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2021-9-22

but knowing what you're_知乎

Two people meet how not easy, we should not take the time of youth to quarrel, ... Freedom of speech is not about saying what you want to say, but whether you ...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2021-11-8


2个回答 - 3人关注 - 877次浏览

1 help.credamo.com 您可以花几分钟看看流程自助就可以完成哈.第一次发布少点,根据数据看看是否需要优化问卷,没问题了再增加发布量,同一个问卷可...更多

知乎 - www.zhihu.com/q...- 2023-2-6


22 打开网页就能写,云端实时保存;可多人实时在线编辑文档,权限安全可控.1/在线编辑,实时保存打开网页就能写:docs.qq.com,QQ/微信帐号 一键登录,...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2020-9-24

but I still can't get rid of_知乎

It's better to smile in happiness than to run aground in pain..If there is someone... Some fate in life is going away, but I still can't get rid of missing you..Looking at...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2021-10-27


12个回答 - 34人关注 - 1.5万次浏览

4 我现在用的大部分需要账户的都是可以换邮箱的,BUT,微博、起点好象是不能换.不用翻墙的Gmail客户端,这个我不大清楚,因为我都是翻墙访问的.你...更多

知乎 - www.zhihu.com/q...- 2023-2-25

but I don't want to_知乎

Don't take a failure as the final judgment of life, there is nothing plain sailing, only the strong confidence and perseverance..I want you the most, but I don't want ...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2021-10-26


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知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2022-8-2
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