

2 《仲裁条例》 (章/文件号︰609) (版本日期︰19.12.2019)Arbitration ... deemed to accrue in respect of that matter at the time when it would have accrued ...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2021-8-31

The idea occurred to him in a dream. 这个主意是他在梦..._知乎

Johnson apologized on Tuesday evening, saying that while he didn't think he'd ... 's decision and has paid the fine. He said he would not resign, despite calls ...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2022-4-13


1个回答 - 2人关注 - 41次浏览


知乎 - www.zhihu.com/q...- 2023-2-16

Down with the Rules!!!_知乎

Mom: Tip is here! Hello Tip.Tip: Hello Mommy!Mom: How was school?Tip: ... We cannot do as Teddy says without rules, because life would be crazy without them....

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2022-8-14


19 雅思口语的第三部分虽然是考官很灵活随机的提问部分,但是在这4-5分钟的... 比如:Well, I would say that there are many reasons which can account for this. ...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2019-12-27


给大家整理了:初中英语作文100个金句+核心短语.希望对大家有所帮助.... 10. I would appreciate it if you could take my proposal into consideration.如果您...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2023-2-8


4 在当下的世界经济和就业环境下,想要在欧美获得一份有竞争力、高薪、还不... How would you ensure security between two people, A and B? What happens ...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2019-12-25


1个回答 - 4人关注 - 2552次浏览

1 因为真实验室录像带中,A问C真的要这么做吗?这里是指C的计划,让自己死亡,把灵魂交给A,让他闯过结界,夺取剩下六个灵魂,可A最后还是心软了....更多

知乎 - www.zhihu.com/q...- 2023-2-15


21个回答 - 100人关注 - 15.4万次浏览

2 简单说一下,其实就是一个很坚韧的kid,即使在屠杀线的后期,也能有点意... 本身也有点毒舌,曾说asriel是爱哭鬼,不是杀人犯,那些让chara背锅的,你们...更多

知乎 - www.zhihu.com/q...- 2023-2-19

高级宏观经济学 · 第五章: 真实商业周期 · 第六节:..._知乎

1 在经济学家为自己设定的所有不辞辛劳的工作中,如果允许一些行业枯萎,... the model around the balanced growth path the economy would follow if there ...

知乎 - zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p...- 2023-1-12
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